Source: ../libcamcard/camcard.h

Annotated List
 * libcamcard - Interface to the Cambride University Smartcard
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Richard J Wareham 
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  




 * @short Wrapper object to abstract the PC/SC API and access
 * the filesystem on the card.
 * This class takes care of communicating to the PC/SC middleware
 * and accessing the features of the Cambridge University
 * smartcard. 
 * @author Richard Wareham 
 * @version 0.1alpha

class CamCard {
  bool           m_isConnected;
  bool           m_isConnectedCard;
  bool           m_cardPresent;
  int            m_reader;
  int            m_cardVersion;
  vector m_readers;
  vector m_atr;
  unsigned long m_prefProtocol;
  unsigned long m_APDUReturn;


   * Some useful fileIDs
  static const vector MF;
  static const vector CHUBB;
  static const vector PLAYPEN;
  static const vector DF_AUT;
  static const vector MAIN_PUB_KEY;
  static const vector MAIN_CERT;
  static const vector SUMMARY;
  static const vector CARD_INFO;
  static const vector EF_LIST;

   * Default constructor. 
   * Default destructor.

   * Convert an error code to human-readable string.
   * @return a string describing the error code passed. 
  static string stringifyError(long errno);

   * Connect to the PC/SC middleware. You must call this method before
   * doing anything else.
   * @param host (optional) The hostname of the machine you wish to connect 
   * to. If
   * not specified, the PC/SC middleware on the local machine is contacted.
   * By default, the first reported smartcard reader is used.
   * @see CamCard#disconnect
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise.
  long connect(string host = "");
   * Disconnects from the PC/SC middleware peviously connected to
   * with connect().
   * @see CamCard#connect
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise.
  long disconnect();
   * See if a connection has been established to the PC/SC middleware.
   * @return true if a connection is present, false otherwise.
  bool isConnected();

   * @return A vector of strings containing a description of each smartcard
   * reader connected to the PC/SC middleware. Indices into this vector are
   * what you should pass to setReader() when changing readers.
   * @see CamCard#setReader
  vector readers();
   * Set the smartcard reader which should be used. Disconnects from a card
   * if you were connected.
   * @param reader A number from 0 to the number of elements in vector returned
   * by readers().
   * @see CamCard#readers
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
  bool setReader(int reader);
   * Query the name of the current reader. 
   * @return A string containing the smartcard reader which is being used.
  string reader();

   * Connects to the smartcard in the currently selected reader.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, -1 if there is no card, 
   * an error code otherwise.
   * @see CamCard#disconnectCard
  long connectCard();
   * Disconnects ftom a previously connected to card.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise.
   * @see CamCard#connectCard
  long disconnectCard();
   * Query the connection state to the card.
   * @return tru is connected to a card, false otherwise
  bool isConnectedCard();
   * Query the presence of a card in the currently selected reader.
   * @return true if there is a card present, false otherwise.
  bool cardPresent();
   * Query the card version (only returns meaningful results after
   * a call to connectCard().
   * @return the version of the card currently connected to.
  int cardVersion();

   * Starts a transaction with the card. This must be called before
   * doing anthing with the card after connectCard(). 
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. 
  long beginTransaction();
   * Finishes a transaction with the card. This must be called after
   * doing anthing with the card.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise.
   * @see CamCard#beginTransaction
  long endTransaction();

   * Sends an APDU to the card, writing the result into the vector
   * passed by reference.
   * @param apdu The APDU to send.
   * @param resp The vector to write the response into.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise.
  long sendAPDU(vector apdu, vector &resp);
   * Get the return code from last APDU.
   * @return 16-bit return code.
  unsigned long APDUReturnCode();

   * Selects a file by the fileID passed.
   * @param fileID A vector containing the two-byte file ID of the file
   *               to select.
   * @param header A vector of undigned char's to write the file header into.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. 
  long selectFile(const vector fileID,
		  vector &header);
   * Reads a file previously selected with selectFile().
   * @param header A vector containing the fileheader returned by selectFile().
   * @param file A vector to write the file contents into.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. 
  long readFile(const vector header,
		vector &file);

   * Presents the PIN specified.
   * @param pin String containing PIN
   * @return true if PIN accepted, false otherwise
  bool presentPIN(string pin);
  /** Chenges the current PIN
   * @param old_pin The original PIN.
   * @param new_pin The new PIN.
   * @return true if PIN accepted, false otherwise
  bool changePIN(string old_pin, string new_pin);

   * Digitally 'sign' some data using a specified key. The
   * correct PIN must have been presented during the transaction using
   * presentPIN();
   * @param data The data to be signed.
   * @param signature The vector to write the signature into.
   * @param keyID keyID of key to use. 
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. 
   * @see CamCard#presentPIN
   * @see CamCard#keyIDs
  long sign(int keyID, const vector data, 
	    vector &signature);

   * @return a vector of valid keyIDs
  vector keyIDs();

   * Write the certificate asssociated with the keyID specified into a
   * vector.
   * @param keyID the keyID of required key.
   * @param cert the vector to write the certificate into.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. 
   * @see CamCard#keyIDs
  long readCertificate(int keyID, vector &cert);

   * Write the public modulus of the specidied key into a vector.
   * @param keyID the keyID of required key.
   * @param modulus the vector to write the modulus into.
   * @return SCARD_S_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. 
   * @see CamCard#keyIDs
  long readModulus(int keyID, vector &modulus);

   * Converts a vector into a string of two-character hex values.
  static string vec2str(const vector vec);
   * Converts a string of two-character hex values into a vector.
  static vector str2vec(string str);

#define DEF_FID(name, id) \
  const vector CamCard::name(CamCard::str2vec(id))

DEF_FID(MF, "3F 00");
DEF_FID(CHUBB, "10 00");
DEF_FID(PLAYPEN, "10 01");
DEF_FID(DF_AUT, "20 00");
DEF_FID(EF_LIST, "88 88");


Generated by: rjw57 on malachite on Fri Aug 31 15:23:05 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53.